Friday, 30 September 2011


Scene 1  Chase video diary
Mid-shot of Chase, camera does not move.Tone of Voice Grumpy, Look reluctant,Slouching and end with a smug face.  
Chase Michaels : Why am i doing this, I don’t even know this girl , i might have asked her for a pen once or something but she’ll remember more than I do, who wouldn’t  remember lending a pen to Chase Michaels.
Door swings open and friends rush in and he turns off the camera.
Scene 2 Introducing Cindy

Starting at Cindy’s feet the camera tilts upwards slowly revealing the character. Mid-shot of the two girls sitting on the pole. Friend is excitable, then makes things awkward. This is shown through Cindy’s expression.
Cindy’s friend: I heard you’ve been paired up with Chase Michaels to do that video project in class! He’s so amazing. It’s so weird though, as like you wouldn’t expect the two of you to have ever even talked.. 
Cindy has a hesitant reaction and doesn’t look very eager to talk about it walks of into the school.
Scene 3 Cindy & Chase walking past eachother
Action shot following one group. Music and background noise whilst a group of Cindy and her friends, and a group of Chase and his friends walk past one another in the school corridor. 
Shows the contrast in their social groups by being complete opposites in every way.
No particular conversation, general rowdiness and friendly chat. 
Scene 4 Chase and Cindy video diary
Mid-shot, non moving. Both sitting together awkwardly, this can be seen through body language.
Chase: Day one. The transformation. 
Chase holds up sign revealing this.
Scene 5 Swapping 
Mid-shot with both on view of camera.Time Lapse Calendar Day 5. 
Cindy: Sooo... Here we are 
Chase: Yeah, i need  to give you something vital to our project. 
Cindy: oh right.. 
over shoulder shot as outfit is revealed. Close up of item.
Cindy: oh... well i’ve got something for you too. 
Camera on chase, cindy passes ‘band sign up’ sheet whilst off camera. 
Scene 6 Cheerleading & singing
Split screen of new hobbies. Cindy is on the left mocking cheerleaders with an entertaining dance.
Cindy (unenthusiastically) : chase will have you on the floor. I cheer for chase cos' he is great. 
  Chase is on the right on stage playing guitar and singing (badly) . Long shot of both characters.
Scene 7 video diary 
Cindy & chase on video together  in mid-shot messing about, friendly handshake. Cindy & chase are to be excitable and getting along. 
Scene 8 General classroom behavior 
Short cut giving the viewer a feel for the school environment, no close ups. 
Scene 9 Cindy overhears Chase 
Chase is in the boys locker room being teased about his relationship with Cindy. Cindy peers through the door and over hears. 
Chase's friend: mate , i just dont get why you're with her like all the time! she's a freak.

Chase: i hear you mate , the only reason im sticking around is to get the grades , she's as crazy as they get , probably end up  try'na convert me to her little cult or summat if i hang around any longer. as soon as this is over im outta there.
Scene 10 Chase chases Cindy
Chase is running after cindy as she walks of crying , he catches up and grabs her arm;
Chase: Cinds , just wait , I can explain. 
Cindy: Just leave me alone Chase , I get it.
she shrugs it off.

Scene 11 Chase’s final video diary entry Part 1.
Day 7 video diary, shown in front of class. Close up of expressions.
Chase: My project is about Cindy Perkins. I screwed things up with her, and well, yeah, this is for you Cinds. 

Scene 12 - Chase's final video diary entry part 2
Close up of the projector screen. credits count down (3,2,1) 

Scene 13 - Credits 
screen reads: 
Indie Cindy
Date of release


Thursday, 29 September 2011

Thursday 29th September.

Today we have planned to do some research in to our locations. As a group we are venturing out over the school premises to find suitable areas which would be a good place to film some of our shots. We need to ensure we remember to think about are the lighting, background noise and suitability for scenes. Hopefully doing this will set off ideas about what we would need to include in mise-en-scene.

Places we are planning to look at are:

  •  the school field
  •  boys locker room
  •  outside the school gate
  • the woody school lane. 
  • Things we need to remember to think about are the lighting, background noise and suitability for scenes. 

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Nikitas Bedroom
 This is where the indie girl most of the filming of her will be done here as this is where she shows her true character and it allows us to relate to this character more personally.

Miguels Bedroom
 This is for our preppy character it will look like a typical boys room and it will again do the same as Nikitas bedroom it will show the characters personality.

Class Room (Media)
 This is where the task was set various over the shoulder shots will take place as the two students sit opposite each other and will give a reaction when they realise they are paired together

The Back Lane
 The back lane will be used when we do a scene in the rain or a nice sunny room for Miguel  to run down chasing after her.

Highbroom Woods Bench
The indie girl will be found here this is her main hangout

Comedy In Romance

It has come to our attention that we need to come to a decision on how we are going to incorporate comedy in to our trailer. We do not want clips to come across as cringe worthy or unfunny, so have decided to create a brain storm on ideas we have to put characters in to awkward situations with the aim to be entertaining for the viewer. 

Here are some of our starter ideas:

  • Dressing the other up in stereotypical outfits of the opposite style that looks ridiculous. 
  • Filming in boys bedroom and his mum walks in whilst girl is in awkward position which could be see as inappropriate when out of context.
  • Girl is in boys room mother walks in holding dirty magazine she says ‘i just found your 5 year old brother holding this, i take it he found it in your room.’ reply ‘ probably one of dads stash’
  • Mum ‘ What have i told you about girls in your room’ pauses  ‘Is That A Video Camera’.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Change to the syllabus.

The change to the syllabus has led our group to come to the conclusion that creating a 'feature' length trailer would be better for us than a 'teaser' trailer. This gives us the opportunity to widen our ideas and would fit in with our style of film much better.

Researching Our Target Audience.

As a group we interviewed a group of 4 teenagers aged 13-17, we then interviewed a group of 4 young adults 18-23, after this we consulted two of the older generation who were considered film fanatics. This is due to the fact they attend the cinema more than the average person aged 27-35.

The questions we asked them were as follows;
  • Do you have a preferred genre choice?
40% said Horror, 10% said Action and 50% said comedy/rom-com

  • Do you enjoy films which consist of love stories?
70% said yes & 30% said no
  • What is your favourite rom-com?
10 things i hate about you, Love Actually, Pretty Woman, The princess diaries, Bridget Jones Diary, There's something about Mary, The breakfast club, Four weddings and a funeral, Notting Hill
  • What are your favourtite indie films?
Factotum, Little miss sunshine, Trainspotting, 500 days of Summer, Pulp fiction, American history X, The blair witch project, Donnie Darko and two said 'Juno'.

Video Diary Research

"Video diaries can embrace many different film styles," says Rosemary Richards, editor of the award-winning BBC and online project Video Nation, "but the key quality they all share is that they're not journalism. A video diary is a very personal view of how the subject sees their world."
Whether or not you are the subject (or "just" the camera operator), the best kind of video diary makes viewers feel as if they are on a personal journey. They capture on-the-spot reactions and thoughts. Forget about rehearsals; this isn't a drama. If your diary feels set up it will lose the power of authenticity. This is something to bear in mind when editing : rough edges are fine, as anything too polished doesn't feel believable.
What to shoot
"The subject matter can vary hugely but, for Video Nation, we reckon the diaries in which people are passionate about a subject work best," Rosemary explains. "And while the more extreme personal situations obviously tend to be gripping, not all video diaries have to be serious to be affecting. Some of our best have been what you'd call 'kitchen sink diaries'. These expressions of the minutiae of life can be funny, yet very powerful."
How to prepare
Think carefully about the setting. While you don't want somewhere that distracts viewers from the subject's emotions, don't opt for a plain background - choose somewhere that says something about you or your subject. "It can also work really well when you have two people in front of the camera," Rosemary adds. "It allows you to explain the relationship with far fewer words. People open up when they are with friends or family, so try and film your subject interacting with people they feel comfortable with."
On the shoot
If you are filming yourself, use the reversible viewfinder to check your framing and appearance, and use a tripod to prevent camera shake. If filming someone else, you need to react dynamically to what's happening - don't assume that your subject must be on-screen at all times. "Unless it's a really moving and dramatic story," says Rosemary, "viewers will expect to see the film illustrated with cut-aways that reflect the subject's story."
So, if your subject mentions something off-screen, film a separate shot of it and intercut these later. The camera should react in the same way someone present would (but without the head spinning), to give the film a feeling of intimacy and immediacy.
What not to do
Don't worry too much about framing and angles - really well-composed shots will look too contrived and won't fit the freestyle feel of your film. And soundtracks generally don't work well in video diaries - they detract from the rawness of the footage.
"Good sound is much harder to achieve than good visuals," warns Rosemary. Invest in an external mic, even if it's just a clip-on one. "And when filming - despite the traditional image of video diaries being all hand-held, low-quality sequences - I'd really advise using a tripod to create some nice, quality establishing shots . "
Tips and techniques
Get your subject to speak directly into the lens so as not to confuse the viewer. Also, if you are filming a "day"-in-the-life and only have a small amount of time with your subject, shoot in different locations so it feels like you had longer ! this is the link for the site.

Teaser trailer ideas.

  • Using Antars previous idea of using a student being bullied in class by having a paper thrown at them with a message inside one could work in our trailer. This time instead we would have Chase being bullied in class with Cindy throwing a motivational message.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Trailer Plan Outline

  1. Shot Of Boy - freeze frames of his fashion sense and his group of friends,with credits.
  2. Shot Of Girl-  same as above but vary the order with credit
  3. Shot of teacher explaining task... for trailer purposes only show the part where the teacher says project as so not to give to much away.
  4. Over the shoulder shot of boy reaction to find he has been paired with the girl
  5. Shot of boy using camera not knowing how to turn it on
  6. Shot of calendar that shows a lapse of time
  7. Shots of the two together growing to like each other, smiling, happy hand shakes
  8. Shots of the boys group of friends teasing him about the girl
  9. Shot of girl outside,runs to toilet 
  10. shot of boy running in the rain
  11. Then back in the classroom teacher says about watching the boys film then it has an old school film countdown fade to black.

Friday, 23 September 2011


Working together.
We have worked together as a group to come up with our storyline for our film. As a group we put together our ideas and have decided on creating a teaser trailer which incorporates all of our influences. The genre of the film we are going to work on is 'Indie'. We believe this will allow us to be creative and our teaser trailer will show that our film has a motivational message. 

Our idea.
Our basic idea consists of an indie girl named 'Cindy' and a typical popular boy 'Chase' who are put together in their Psychology class to put together a project, which will based on them spending alternate weeks living life as the other would. Their aim is to do what the other does, wear what the other wears, socialise how the other would and create a video diary as a conclusion of the week.They originally aren't fond of one another, due to their different social status and groups,but as time goes on they form a strong friendship as they begin to confide in one another and they both slowly fall for one another. As the story commences, the preppy school boy gets teased by his friends for liking the 'different' girl and Cindy overhears him insulting her and her lifestyle. This creates a divide between the two again until Cindy views his video diary of the week living her life and realises he has fallen in love with her.  

Thursday, 22 September 2011


We selected this freeze frame due to the fact we felt the wording here is key it allows those watching the trailer to understand the issues that are dealt with throughout the film. We also liked it due to the style of it, it allows us to be able to continue showing the footage of the film and relating it to scenes in the film.

In hitch the opening is him talking to the audience we would like to add something similar to this but using the video camera so in the romcom we would like to break the wall between the film and the audience so the characters are directly talking to you.

We used this image due to the fact our film is a romcom so we want our character to appear happy and there has to be an on screen chemistry so using this image shows that they show the good times in trailers as well as the bad things so also the shot is something we would like to use because the two characters are close and it looks as if they have literally been caught in a moment rather than a set up situation.

This again shows character chemistry and is also one of the funny more comical parts in the film. Our film is a romantic comedy so we want to be able to show the relationship between the characters as well as the comical side to their relationship.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Freedom Writers As An Influence

We as a group are students from various different background and different upbringings this means we will probably get ready differently in the morning and a variety of things will differ between us
Freedom writers is an extreme to us as a relates to gang violence and such things and we don't deal with those issues as frequently or on the scale that the people in that film do. Though we do have a variety of differences and various different skills and all get to combine this at school we could use this as a way to tell a story this is also similar to the film 4321 which has story lines that are together but all lead to one ultimate conclusion.

Tuesday 20th September

Work To Be Done
  • Nikita> Write up the pitch, synopsis and edit the mood boards
  • Chloe>Character, costumes, music and location mood
  • Antar>video diaries opposites(binary oppositions and narrative conventions) in film

Visual Ideas

Disney Vs Indie

Motivational Teaser Trailer Story lines.

Antar's idea
Two students who live completely different lives, each have a variety of ways to prepare for their day at school. Whilst at school they both have one thing in common; they get bullied. Each student has a gift in a certain academic area, and they are the only ones who believe in each others talents. 
To incorporate this in a teaser trailer we could have one of the students being bullied by others throwing paper at him/her. When he/she opens the paper messages he/she finds a singular message revealing the words "You can make it". 

Nikita's comments: I think it would be a good idea if the two who believe in one another fall in love. This is cliche but would fit in with the disney style we were thinking of aiming for. 

Chloe's comments: I think this is a good idea but is quite predictable , i like the idea but we would have to think of something else to put in the trailer aswell. but that will come with more development so i'm not too concerned about that at the moment . 

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Possible New Ideas For Films

A happy film with a simple story line nothing to complex.


A motivational film with a message. (Freedom Writers)

Our new idea.

After discussing our ideas as a group, we came to the conclusion that edging towards the genre of a thriller was not inspiring us. The story lines we were creating were not imaginative enough and we found that our ideas were to complicated to show through a teaser trailer.
As a joint agreement we have decided to create a teaser trailer with a motivational theme. Films we have begun to research in to are "Juno", "Freedom Writers" and those from the makers of Disney. We have decided a light-hearted film appeals to us much more. It also rules out complicated ideas. We also believe the genre will be much more interesting to work with as it allows us to attract a younger audience. Furthermore it means that Antar and I will not have to create another dark movie, and we have Chloe's previous knowledge on the less intense genre.

Logistics Check


  • A Teacher/ Adult male -  Mid 30's , middle-class , intelligent, family man.
  • A Student / Young female - Teenager , rebellious , socially inept.


Friday, 16 September 2011


so after much decision we've decided that we might change our idea completely and change the genre of our film to something more "happy-go-lucky".
We decided this because we felt our ideas were becoming too complicated and we didnt have a lot of enthusiasm for the idea we had come up with for our teaser trailer.
When thinking of influences our minds immediately thought of films such as "Juno" and "it's a wonderful life" aswell as "four weddings and a funeral".
We also took into consideration that Antar and Nikita produced a Horror for their AS opening sequence and feel a change of genre would be more challenging and interesting.
Overall we feel that doing something lighthearted and quirky would be more beneficial for our group.

Mood Boards.

Film posters we have inspirational have consisted of a mixture of genres, here are some of our favourites:

We have simply looked at thriller locations to compliment our storyline ideas:

A selection of images of influential characters from a mixture of films of different genres: 

Here we have a selection of images we put together reflecting on the ideas we have for a thriller themed movie:

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Our Original Character & Quest 25 worded pitch.

A student who develops a dangerous obsession unsuccessfully tries to seduce her school teacher, who denies her attempts. She takes revenge by kidnapping his only child.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Storyline-2 Missing Person

A highly achieving young girl who attends school on a frequent basis becomes slowly more distant and dissapears with no trace.

Storyline idea 1 - Cradle Snatcher

This story line is based on a woman who craves having a child. Radio playing gives news of a baby being taken. The woman rocks on the chair a door creeps open and its a detective. This leads to the film unravelling a story on how they got to this stage.

Genre Choice

Benefits of each genre;

Action- Fast paced movie trailer , quick progressive clips, , music choice for teaser trailer is relatively easy (e.g upbeat ,intense and enthralling) 

Thriller- easily defined characteristic e.g suspense, intensity and enducing cuts. Suspense built up with music . Can also have similar aspects to action , progressive storyline which aren't always linear/ chronological, this leads to the audience being disorientated.

Horror- slower , more based around suspense and the element of suprises , entices audiences the genre conventions for this are clear to see for the audience and easy to replicate for film makers.

taking into consideration the area we are in and the utilities we have at our disposal , a decent action film would be hard to produce to a high standard. Also , along the same lines , it would be hard to produce an "original" horror setting without making it take place in a woods or a dark alley which is cliche and repeatedly used. 
We like the idea of a thriller as it incorporates both the horror and the action genre into one . We also like the use of shots that aren't in chronological order and are disorientating and unsettling to the audience. 

As a group we found a thriller may be harder so we looked up film techniques of a famous film maker Alfred Hitchcock.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

What is a Teaser Trailer ? Group Post

A teaser trailer is a variation of a film trailer. It's length varies from 30 - 90 seconds minus a few rare trailers such as "The twilight saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" in which the trailer is only 15 seconds long, due to the producers awareness of the popularity of the saga.
Teaser trailers usually have a lack of information incorporated with comments and quotes intended to entice the audience and create a sense of mystery and enigma. "The Girl with Dragon Tattoo" is a perfect example of this due to its short cuts and lack of dialogue, making the storyline unclear yet intriguing. Sometimes they include a 'playful' structure using techniques such as direct address. 
Our preferred teaser trailer of those we have seen so far is "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", not only as we find the genre appealing but the techniques and skills used to create the trailer itself are unique and abstract.