Monday, 26 September 2011

Video Diary Research

"Video diaries can embrace many different film styles," says Rosemary Richards, editor of the award-winning BBC and online project Video Nation, "but the key quality they all share is that they're not journalism. A video diary is a very personal view of how the subject sees their world."
Whether or not you are the subject (or "just" the camera operator), the best kind of video diary makes viewers feel as if they are on a personal journey. They capture on-the-spot reactions and thoughts. Forget about rehearsals; this isn't a drama. If your diary feels set up it will lose the power of authenticity. This is something to bear in mind when editing : rough edges are fine, as anything too polished doesn't feel believable.
What to shoot
"The subject matter can vary hugely but, for Video Nation, we reckon the diaries in which people are passionate about a subject work best," Rosemary explains. "And while the more extreme personal situations obviously tend to be gripping, not all video diaries have to be serious to be affecting. Some of our best have been what you'd call 'kitchen sink diaries'. These expressions of the minutiae of life can be funny, yet very powerful."
How to prepare
Think carefully about the setting. While you don't want somewhere that distracts viewers from the subject's emotions, don't opt for a plain background - choose somewhere that says something about you or your subject. "It can also work really well when you have two people in front of the camera," Rosemary adds. "It allows you to explain the relationship with far fewer words. People open up when they are with friends or family, so try and film your subject interacting with people they feel comfortable with."
On the shoot
If you are filming yourself, use the reversible viewfinder to check your framing and appearance, and use a tripod to prevent camera shake. If filming someone else, you need to react dynamically to what's happening - don't assume that your subject must be on-screen at all times. "Unless it's a really moving and dramatic story," says Rosemary, "viewers will expect to see the film illustrated with cut-aways that reflect the subject's story."
So, if your subject mentions something off-screen, film a separate shot of it and intercut these later. The camera should react in the same way someone present would (but without the head spinning), to give the film a feeling of intimacy and immediacy.
What not to do
Don't worry too much about framing and angles - really well-composed shots will look too contrived and won't fit the freestyle feel of your film. And soundtracks generally don't work well in video diaries - they detract from the rawness of the footage.
"Good sound is much harder to achieve than good visuals," warns Rosemary. Invest in an external mic, even if it's just a clip-on one. "And when filming - despite the traditional image of video diaries being all hand-held, low-quality sequences - I'd really advise using a tripod to create some nice, quality establishing shots . "
Tips and techniques
Get your subject to speak directly into the lens so as not to confuse the viewer. Also, if you are filming a "day"-in-the-life and only have a small amount of time with your subject, shoot in different locations so it feels like you had longer ! this is the link for the site.

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