Saturday, 22 October 2011

Title Cards and Production Logo's ;

So in our last lesson with Mr Southworth he showed us some of the previous years teaser trailers. We had to pick out the features that made it a more effective teaser trailer , there were the common ones such as good use of angles and a variety of shoots aswell as a good use of mise-on-scene. One thing which was also apparent in most of the teaser trailers were the use of title cards. It wasn't so much the fact that they just used title cards but it was also the detail and research put into it to make it look like an official teaser trailer.
In the last trailer we watched 'I See You" we immediately picked out the starting image which is shown on the left.  This is a Rating Card appear at the head of trailers. It  indicates how closely the trailer adheres to the MPAA's standards. A green band is an all-green graphic at the beginning of the trailer , The same as the one in the image to the right. This card  indicates that they had been approved for "all audiences" . It signifies that the trailer adheres to the standards for motion picture advertising which include limitations on foul language and violent, sexual or controversial images.
 Its something quite simple that is only shown for about 2 seconds of the trailer but gives it a more proffesional edge. We feel it would be a great idea to add this to our trailer to achieve a high standard trailer and make it more realistic. When looking more closely at the image itself we saw that at the bottom there are two online web adresses. These are here as a link to websites which give more information about the rating of the film . Of course , taking into consideration that our teaser trailer won't have its own web page these will be fake adresses added to give a more realistic look.

Also towards the end of the trailer we noticed this specific title card towards the end of the trailer , again very simple and only played for a few seconds but adds a more professional feel to the trailer as it is seen in most production trailers. It basically gives information about who were the main people behind the making of the film itself. In this case you can see that the same names tend to repeated. This is because it is an A level teaser trailer so there for has few memebers behind the making of it. After close analaysis of the title card we saw the images at the bottom saying it has connections with dolby digital and new line cinema. We would like this to be incorporated in our trailer although the use of these specific images would be copy right , to avoid this we considered designing our own similar logo's that look similar but will rule out copyright. We also took into consideration the web adress at the bottom. On a title card in most professional movie trailers there is a web address that can be followed to give more information about the trailer and the movie itself. These need to be simple so that they can be easily remembered as it is only shown for a few seconds.
We also took into consideration the background of the title card , it is simple but effective as it is relative to the genre of "I See You " which is a horror. As our trailer is going to be a more up-beat and happy trailer our background would have to be brighter as a dark background is usually more appropriate for a darker atmosphere.

Finally , in the "I See You" trailer we noticed that the final part of the trailer is this title card.  This title card is crucial in a teaser or full length trailer as it states the date of film release or in this case that it is soon to be released. When looking at the still frame from this specific teaser trailer it appears to be quite simple and plain , when watching the trailer on youtube there is a slight migration of the words 'coming soon' from the top left to the lower right of the screen. It isn't easily noticed but gives an unsettled feeling to audience. This is a great way to make a simple title card more effective. Of course in our trailer we want the audience to feel uplifted and not unsettled so we suggested in the group to maybe add an effect to the words as they come onto the screen or have the words become gradually bigger. Similar to the previous title card , the background is effective for that specific genre and ours would have to be a lot brighter and happier , possibly the same background we choose to use which states the people involved in the making of the film.

We also discussed in class that we need to make a film schedule which includes a list of props as we found that mise en scene was a great contributing factor to an effective trailer. As nikita is unavailable during half term this gives us an extra week to make sure we have our film schedule completed to a high standard and ready to film the week we return to school.

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